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Palm Beach SEO - Trust Rank

Trust Rank


The graphic explains that  the TR of a site is divided by the number of its outgoing links .The site that receives the link, acquires a portion of the initial value of the trust link.

The numbers are just examples, just to get a reference. Let's see what happens: Site A is one of those who in the article I called "holy" and the maximum TR. From this site there are 3 links that go to sites B, C and D. Each of them earns 1/3 of the initial value or 4. SPAM sites have, of course, a TR = O. That said, the sites of the graphics we have the following values:

  • A = 12
  • B = 4
  • C = 10 (4 receives from A, B and from 2 to 4 C)
  • D = 4
  • E = 2
  • F = O (a site for SPAM)
  • G = O (a site for SPAM)
  • H = O


The Trust Splitting (TS)

Another value to be taken into consideration is the  Trust Splitting  which is a score that is related to the number of links on the page:  there are multiple links on a page and the lower the Trust Splitting , the lower this value, the less importance will that link pointing towards us.

This is the reason why  you have a link to our site in a large list of other links, is of little use , in fact, almost nothing.


SEO Architech work to increase the TrustRank of every client’s website and thus increase the site’s rankings in all the major search engines like Google, Yahoo!, Bing and others.

TrustRank was developed by Yahoo! (one of the major search engines) and Stanford University researchers to determine whether a website truly deserved the rankings it was getting or was it, in fact, manipulating the search engines.  The SEO industry calls this manipulation spamming the index.  The search engines want their users to find the information they are looking for and spamming interferes with this aim.

In other words, a low TrustRank means the search engines are suspicious of the value of your website.  A high TrustRank means the Google, Yahoo!, Bing and others trust your site and will give it higher rankings.

Want to know the TrustRank of your site?







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